OrigamiUSA Convention
Special Guest and Exhibitor
Models taught: Circus Elephant, Cardinal for Davey, Seahorse
Registration: https://origamiusa.org/convention2022
Special Guest and Exhibitor
Models taught: Circus Elephant, Cardinal for Davey, Seahorse
Registration: https://origamiusa.org/convention2022
Special Guest and Lecturer
Model Taught: Cardinal for Davey
Class Time: Saturday, November 27, 8pm EST / Sunday, November 28, 10am Tokyo.
Invited Teacher
Model Taught: Turtle
Class Time: Friday, November 12, 8pm EST
Invited Guest
For this Instagram Live special event, Origami Maniacs has invited me for an artist discussion followed by a workshop.
Invited Teacher
48 creators, teaching 48 original models in 48 hours from the top origami creators from all around the world. Each one will teach via Zoom her/his original model. This is your chance to learn from the best, and get to know the people behind the names!
Invited Teacher
The 2020 CDO origami Convention is unfortunately cancelled, like many other events during these times. To replace it, the CDO has organized an online origami convention from November 13th to November 15th. This convention will be on Zoom and it will be free for CDO members and at a small fee for non-members.
Invited Guest
For this Instagram Live special event, Origami Argentina has invited me for an artist discussion followed by a workshop.
Invited Teacher
This inaugural event offers classes on two tracks of learning: Easy/Intermediate and Complex. The conference will be hosted online via CrowdCast Webinar. The broadcast of the conference will begin on the evening of Friday, September 25th and conclude on the afternoon of Sunday, Sept 27th.
Invited Teacher
48 creators, teaching 48 original models in 48 hours from the top origami creators from all around the world. Each one will teach via Zoom her/his original model. This is your chance to learn from the best, and get to know the people behind the names!
Featured Guest
Welcome to UnConvention 2020! The COVID-19 pandemic may have forced the cancellation of Convention 2020, but that's no reason you can't fold with some world origami masters on June 26 and 27! OrigamiUSA has put together a day-and-a-half lineup of online origami classes, featuring:
Classes taught by our originally planned Special Guests: Miyuki Kawamura, Jeremy Shafer, Michael LaFosse, and Richard Alexander.
Classes taught by our Featured Guests: Beth Johnson and Robert J. Lang
Invited Guest
I have the pleasure of being the very first guest for Ali Bahmani’s OrigamiTalk series, a series Ali created to connect artist during pandemic lockdown. Ali invites artist for live conversations where they share and talk about their personal journey, stories, and sometimes unconventional ideas about origami.